If you would like to give towards Love Week

follow the link and select the option "Love Tulsa"

LOVE OUR CITY WEEK - September 29th - October 5th 
Sunday, September 29th: Dream Center West
Monday, September 30th : Let Us Pay 6:30pm @Laundry Station
Tuesday, October 1st : 11th Street Clean up! 6:00pm @ Audacity
Wednesday, October 2nd: Yard Work & Door Hangers/Prayer Walk 6:00pm @ Audacity
Thursday, October 3rd: Coffee On Us! 7:00am @ Jones Coffee
Friday, October 4th: KindBar Corners 6:00pm @ Audacity
Saturday, October 5th: TU Popsicles @TBD

If you would like to give towards Love Week

follow the link and select the option "Love Tulsa"